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Friday, May 15, 2009

Library Time

Did you know that your local library is a wonderful resource?

Libraries are not just for books anymore. There are movies, software programs, and music CDs to go along with all those many books. You can check these items out and save a bit of money.

So instead of going to your local movie rental place, just head to your local library and see what they have to offer. You may be surprised to find a large selection of movies and other items available for your use without costing you a dime.

And to add to that, if you find that you have extra books and movies hanging around the house that you no longer want or need, consider donating them to the library.

Be sure to take your little one(s) with you and let them meet the people who work at the library. Teach them how to ask for assistance when they are looking for something specific. Remember to also teach them to show their appreciation for any assistance they may receive by thanking the library employees and bidding them to have a good day.


Jude said...

Our grandson loves the library and his Mother always takes him to the different events for the children, it's a great learning experience for them.

I couldn't find your EC widget to drop on, but wanted to let you know I did stop by, have a great weekend.

Jude said...

Decided to come back and I see you have changed your design again, lol you are being very busy this morning. I think I like this one best and I can also see your widget now.

Mom said...

Thank you for coming back to visit me again today.

I did decide this morning that it was time to update all my websites with cool templates instead of the standard blogger templates. The other two sites were easy. (Through the Forest and Kids Choose What to Learn).

This site took me a long time to update because I couldn't choose which background I wanted to use. I thought the brown would be good, but after I did that one I decided that I didn't like it at all. So I had to start over.

I had forgotten to add the Entrecard widget after I did the updates until you mentioned that you couldn't find it. So thank you so much.